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Travel Box

The quick pace and continuous flow of box lacrosse, the need to get ground balls...protect your stick...and shoot in tight spaces, and the more frequent touches compared to field lax are among the many reasons that box lacrosse is considered a great option for player development (article link: The Benefits of Box Lacrosse).

Too few players have registered for us to be able to field a travel box team for the winter 2024/25 season, so we won't be able to have a team this year.


  • We hope to have middle school and high school teams.
  • Ultimately, the teams we have will depend on how many players of what age register.
  • If we don't have enough players for your age group, you'll receive a refund.

Events and Cost (a la carte or 2-event package)

  • Long Tail Cup, Jan. 18-19, 2025 in Novi, MI ($375 a la carte)
  • Great Lax Box Classic Jan 25-26, 2025 in Canton, MI ($375 a la carte)
  • $650 for both tourneys ($100 discount on the 2-event package)
  • Register by October 28, 2024 for an additional 20% early-bird discount
  • Bonus Perk: Players who register for both tourneys will receive a complimentary registration for the winter indoor lax sessions at the Midland Civic Arena ($100 value). Contact Jonathan Moore for the discount code.l
  • The registration fees can be paid in full upon registration or in 3 monthly payments. In the latter case, a deposit is due at the time of registration.
  • Note: we don't recommend purchasing the "Regsaver" insurance policy when you register. That option is placed there by SportsEngine, not by us. We have heard that people with legitimate claims (e.g., player unable to play due to injury) have had trouble collecting their refunds due to onerous documentation requirements. If, for example, your child misses the season due to injury, we'll refund your fees. You don't need the Regsaver insurance for that.


  • Jack Jesko (Alma College assistant coach)
  • Hank Wickley (Alma College goalie coach)

Other Requirements

  • A uniform is required: $40 for the box jersey and $25 for the shorts. The shorts are the same as from summer or fall, so if you have those then you only need to buy a jersey. The jersey is a box jersey and is not the same as the summer and fall field jersey. This is a one-time cost since the uniform may be used again in future years.
  • A USBOXLA membership is required ($45 per year). You'll need to have your valid membership number before the first tourney (we have to submit our membership numbers to the tourneys with our rosters or waivers), but you don't need it before registering with us. When you purchase your USBOXLA membership, the form asks you to “Choose your Sanctioned League/Event.” In response to that question, select one of the tourneys that you'll play in...but your membership will cover all of the tourneys as long as you select the yearly membership option.
  • In addition to typical field lacrosse protective equipment, kidney pads (e.g., Epoch Integra X Select Box Lacrosse Kidney Pads, STX Cell X Box Lacrosse Rib Pads, etc.) and bicep pads (e.g., Epoch Integra X Select Bicep Pads, Epoch Integra X Elite Box Lacrosse Bicep Pads, etc.) are required. To find options, you could (for example) search Google for "box lacrosse bicep pads" (LINK TO SEARCH) or "box lacrosse kidney pads" (LINK TO SEARCH).

Practice Schedule (Midland Civic Arena)

  • Friday, November 8, 7-9 PM
  • Friday, November 15, 7-9 PM,
  • Friday, November 22, 7-9 PM
  • Friday, December 6, 7-9 PM
  • Friday, December 13, 7-9 PM
  • Friday, January 10, 7-9 PM

Why is Box Lax More Expensive than Field?

  • tournament fees are 50% more expensive than typical summer field tourneys
  • rosters are smaller, so the tournament fees are divided over a smaller number of players
  • we have to rent the turf for practice time

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